The guys had been looking forward to this weekend in the country for weeks. Last minute logistic issues kept 2 partners from joining at the last minute, and a third guy was taking some time away from his boyfriend, so unexpectedly all five guys were traveling solo this weekend.
The weather might have been cooler than desired for relaxing by the pool, but it was still a great place to shed their clothes and have some fun. Even better was the jacuzzi!
Since it wasn’t really laying out weather they decided to go exploring. No need to keep their clothes on if they stick to backroads!
The afternoon passed by in a flash and soon it’s time to think about finding a private spot to set up camp and light a fire…
As twilight faded to dark any lingering inhibitions faded away as well: three guys decided to check out the tent while the other two remained by the fire. Both subgroups were having a good time while also keeping an eye on each other…
Soon everyone regrouped by the glow of the fire, savoring the warmth of the flames and the camaraderie of the day…
I’ll leave it up to your imagination where the night, or rest of the weekend, went from here…
the shoot backstory:
You could organize a group shoot he said!
Last spring a returning model and I were brainstorming future shoot ideas online, and he suggested a playful group pool shoot. Something frivolous and lighthearted, but also super sexy! I’ve done a good number of duo shoots, nearly always with couples, or at least close friends. Otherwise my experience with groups is pretty limited. There were the multi-day location shoots in Utah, but those included 2 to 4 models and 3 photographers, so there wasn’t a lot of pressure. I’d also shadowed a “porn” shoot this spring, at the invitation of the organizing photographer, but had zero input as to the flow of that weekend.
Still I loved the idea and figured I’d give it a shot - the dynamics of multiple models in an image can be so powerful! The first order of business was to find three or more models and settle on a date. I wrote to half a dozen past models with the suggestion and offering maybe 8 possible dates that worked for me. The idea was greeted with enthusiasm but there wasn’t a single suggested date that even two of the guys could do. I finally got 2 guys to agree to a date that wasn’t on my original list of options, because I already had a solo shoot scheduled; that scheduled model liked the idea though so his solo shoot gave way to the group shoot! I now had 3 models. In time I was able to confirm 5 guys, all of whom had modeled solo for me in the past, but none of whom knew each other.
With a date, and the guys, I needed a plan or theme or at least some ideas, and fast! I’d mentioned the pool party theme of horseplay around the pool in the sun when scheduling the guys, but we’d had trouble with both the solar and the automatic cover this summer so it wasn’t as hot as I’d like (or they would like). It was then that I discovered that a friend had an old farm Jeep, and he was happy to loan it to me! I thought a bonfire might be fun in the early twilight too. Then I thought of camping and dug our tent out. Ultimately I just let the pool day play out organically based on the guys, the temperatures, the “props” they say laying around, and their chemistry (which got hotter and hotter as the day progressed). From the start I’d said the day was theirs to do whatever with, from innocent to erotic, and anywhere in-between where they felt comfortable.
Truly I couldn’t have asked for better group. They (obviously) hit it off amazingly, with everyone laughing near continuously: countless photos didn’t make the cut because there was always someone laughing, or the image was out of focus because I was laughing. I don’t think we wrapping shooting until 9pm that night, with most of the guys staying after for dinner and more hot tub time (with the camera put away for the day by then).
Now, 3+ months later and our group text chat is still busy. We’re even tossing around the idea of a winter shoot up in the Sierras in the snow.